

Monday, 5 September 2016

How to cover up chimney smoke stains...

So we have been struggling to deal with old smoke stains in the inglenook (and in the bedroom above).
When you lime render/limewash in these areas where smoke has been getting into the walls for years, it just leaches through the lime and produces a brown stain. No matter how many layers to add, it always comes through. Advice online talks about covering the areas with cow dung first, then limeing....but we aren't up for that !!.
so we decided on the "hide it with another colour" approach. This may not be suitable for the bedroom above (still ruminating on that one), ,but we thought it could work well in the Inglenook.
We have always liked "burnt umbre/dark red" as a traditional cottage colour, so we tried the "strong Red" limewash from Ty-Mawr lime..
Looks pretty amazing...
This is it still wet, and where it has started drying, it seems to dry lighter(hopefuly not Pink!). Another couple of coats should deepen the coulour and soften the texture.

Hope you like it as much as we do :)

A wet weekend, and lack of materials, meant I couldnt carry on the work in the top room, and couldn't work in the orchard, so did a few small jobs in the workshop.

I have had Jan's fathers old ladder in the corner waiting to be repaired for ages (three broken steps and a broken leg). So took out the broken bits and replaced with pieces of old floorboard. Reduced the height a bit too, so that Jan can finish, and decide what to use it for.

I think a towel rail or a stand for blankets&throws....what do you think?

Recognise it Roy???

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